April 11th “Inflatable Fashion Wordmark”

April 12th, 2010 § 0


A little bit of process documentation of work on the wordmark for my two favorite ladies’ grad thesis project, Inflatable Fashion

Designed with Dana Ramler and Kathleen Westerhout

Check out the actual project in all it’s awesomeness at the 2010 ECU Grad Show, opening May 1st!

» Read the rest of this entry «

April 10th “Mailer”

April 12th, 2010 § 0


Insert Your Address Here

In celebration of the fact that the project has hit 100 days, and is still going strong, I’m doing a little promo thingamajig. I’ll be sending out a mailer in the next week or so, as part of my ongoing steadfast delusion that print is not dead (yet). I’m also hoping to sell some books when this is complete, so I may as well lay the groundwork now.

So, if you’d like to get one, (who doesn’t like getting mail?) post your address here (wherever here may be) or email it to design@markstokoe.ca and I’ll put you on the list. It will likely be kinda cool, and I promise no confetti bombs.

2010|365: A Design Project
In an effort to keep from getting creatively stagnant as I go through the course of a 9-5 design job, as well as staving off general laziness, I’ve undertaken this personal project.
Every day, rain, shine or somewhere inbetween, I will be making something cool. The results may be photos, design pieces, experimental type, videos, or anything else I feel is worth showing. The only caveat will be that each piece will have to be made that day, even though it might not get posted on the same day.
The end result of the project will be a book (possibly 365 pages long, maybe shorter to reduce costs), which I will make available to anyone who wants to pay for one.

You can track the project at the 2010|365 website or check out everything else I get up here.

April 9th “99”

April 12th, 2010 § 0


Significantly more than I ever thought I’d get to.

2010|365: A Design Project
In an effort to keep from getting creatively stagnant as I go through the course of a 9-5 design job, as well as staving off general laziness, I’ve undertaken this personal project.
Every day, rain, shine or somewhere inbetween, I will be making something cool. The results may be photos, design pieces, experimental type, videos, or anything else I feel is worth showing. The only caveat will be that each piece will have to be made that day, even though it might not get posted on the same day.
The end result of the project will be a book (possibly 365 pages long, maybe shorter to reduce costs), which I will make available to anyone who wants to pay for one.

You can track the project at the 2010|365 website or check out everything else I get up here.

April 8th “Rorschach”

April 10th, 2010 § 0


Stokoe, Mark Andre
Test Results:
Subject professes to see a heroic, but somewhat menacing mecha-chicken creature crouching as if about to spring into flight.
Subject needs to go outside more often. Recommend 1.79L/week Propeller Honey Wheat drip for 60 days.

Spent a good chunk of the afternoon making Rorschach-esque inkblots at work this afternoon for a project we have coming up. Some amusement ensued (mainly mine at taking some time off looking at a screen). The wall in front of my desk now looks like a cross between a parent’s fridge, and the psychologist’s office in an asylum.

2010|365: A Design Project
In an effort to keep from getting creatively stagnant as I go through the course of a 9-5 design job, as well as staving off general laziness, I’ve undertaken this personal project.
Every day, rain, shine or somewhere inbetween, I will be making something cool. The results may be photos, design pieces, experimental type, videos, or anything else I feel is worth showing. The only caveat will be that each piece will have to be made that day, even though it might not get posted on the same day.
The end result of the project will be a book (possibly 365 pages long, maybe shorter to reduce costs), which I will make available to anyone who wants to pay for one.

You can track the project at the 2010|365 website or check out everything else I get up here.

April 7th “Luckless”

April 10th, 2010 § 0


Went to an ECU Grad Pubnight tonight. Bought this many tickets (not as impressive as it might seem).
Left empty handed, but full of tasty beer, and the satisfaction of knowing I didn’t have a grad project to work on.

2010|365: A Design Project
In an effort to keep from getting creatively stagnant as I go through the course of a 9-5 design job, as well as staving off general laziness, I’ve undertaken this personal project.
Every day, rain, shine or somewhere inbetween, I will be making something cool. The results may be photos, design pieces, experimental type, videos, or anything else I feel is worth showing. The only caveat will be that each piece will have to be made that day, even though it might not get posted on the same day.
The end result of the project will be a book (possibly 365 pages long, maybe shorter to reduce costs), which I will make available to anyone who wants to pay for one.

You can track the project at the 2010|365 website or check out everything else I get up here.

April 6th “Lunch Club: The Third”

April 10th, 2010 § 0


Every Wednesday at Raincoast, one person makes lunch for (mostly) the rest of the crew from Marketing (there’s a couple vps and directors too). Whenever it’s my turn, I try to put together some silly menu thingamajig. Usually I make grilled panini’s to order, but with bread-making out of the question due to a catastrophic oven fail, no order forms were necessary this time.

Instead, I compiled a wee booklet with a couple of the recipes I used, as I am continually chided for saying I’ll post them on the wiki, and I never do.

Much love to Timothy McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern for some much-needed inspiration.

2010|365: A Design Project
In an effort to keep from getting creatively stagnant as I go through the course of a 9-5 design job, as well as staving off general laziness, I’ve undertaken this personal project.
Every day, rain, shine or somewhere inbetween, I will be making something cool. The results may be photos, design pieces, experimental type, videos, or anything else I feel is worth showing. The only caveat will be that each piece will have to be made that day, even though it might not get posted on the same day.
The end result of the project will be a book (possibly 365 pages long, maybe shorter to reduce costs), which I will make available to anyone who wants to pay for one.

You can track the project at the 2010|365 website or check out everything else I get up here.

April 5th “The Mark”

April 6th, 2010 § 0


Now renting. Book now!

2010|365: A Design Project
In an effort to keep from getting creatively stagnant as I go through the course of a 9-5 design job, as well as staving off general laziness, I’ve undertaken this personal project.
Every day, rain, shine or somewhere inbetween, I will be making something cool. The results may be photos, design pieces, experimental type, videos, or anything else I feel is worth showing. The only caveat will be that each piece will have to be made that day, even though it might not get posted on the same day.
The end result of the project will be a book (possibly 365 pages long, maybe shorter to reduce costs), which I will make available to anyone who wants to pay for one.

You can track the project at the 2010|365 website or check out everything else I get up here.

April 4th “I’m Gonna Beat You…”

April 5th, 2010 § 0


In homage to the day, and one of my favorite back-east politically incorrect turns of phrase…

"Egg, I’m gonna beat you like a red-headed step child!"

2010|365: A Design Project
In an effort to keep from getting creatively stagnant as I go through the course of a 9-5 design job, as well as staving off general laziness, I’ve undertaken this personal project.
Every day, rain, shine or somewhere inbetween, I will be making something cool. The results may be photos, design pieces, experimental type, videos, or anything else I feel is worth showing. The only caveat will be that each piece will have to be made that day, even though it might not get posted on the same day.
The end result of the project will be a book (possibly 365 pages long, maybe shorter to reduce costs), which I will make available to anyone who wants to pay for one.

You can track the project at the 2010|365 website or check out everything else I get up here.

April 3rd “On A Boat”

April 4th, 2010 § 0


Spent the afternoon out in the briny deep assisting with some lighting and model direction on a photoshoot for some up and coming designers and their personal flotation devices. I also managed to fire off a couple shots of my own every now and then.

Note: It was way colder than this photo makes it looks. Their models were first class troopers.

2010|365: A Design Project
In an effort to keep from getting creatively stagnant as I go through the course of a 9-5 design job, as well as staving off general laziness, I’ve undertaken this personal project.
Every day, rain, shine or somewhere inbetween, I will be making something cool. The results may be photos, design pieces, experimental type, videos, or anything else I feel is worth showing. The only caveat will be that each piece will have to be made that day, even though it might not get posted on the same day.
The end result of the project will be a book (possibly 365 pages long, maybe shorter to reduce costs), which I will make available to anyone who wants to pay for one.

You can track the project at the 2010|365 website or check out everything else I get up here.

April 2nd “An Evening at the Cultch”

April 2nd, 2010 § 0


I wouldn’t usually post something work-related here, but since I did the video on my own time, it think it qualifies.
Faced with the difficultly of trying to explain a concept that was a bit tricky to wrap one’s head around, we decided the easiest thing would be to just go do a rough draft.

2010|365: A Design Project
In an effort to keep from getting creatively stagnant as I go through the course of a 9-5 design job, as well as staving off general laziness, I’ve undertaken this personal project.
Every day, rain, shine or somewhere inbetween, I will be making something cool. The results may be photos, design pieces, experimental type, videos, or anything else I feel is worth showing. The only caveat will be that each piece will have to be made that day, even though it might not get posted on the same day.
The end result of the project will be a book (possibly 365 pages long, maybe shorter to reduce costs), which I will make available to anyone who wants to pay for one.

You can track the project at the 2010|365 website or check out everything else I get up here.

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You are currently viewing the archives for April, 2010 at 2010|365.