Clarity Redux

Concept Dev / Creative Direction / Design

Created with the Visier Creative and UX Teams, and the exceptional animation team at Good Bad Habits

+ Full Credits
Creative Direction: Mark André Stokoe  |  Animation: Good Bad Habits  |  Printing: Hemlock Printers Ltd.

An preliminary evolution of the Visier brand identity, addressing visual language, tone, and presence. A slow & steady reworking of collateral and brand assets. 

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Brands tend to have a life of their own. They evolve naturally over time, but in the exceptionally fast-paced world of tech and software, sometimes they can use a little push to move the process along. Visier is in the fantastic position of already having a strong, well-defined brand and reputation in their market segment. But new markets mean new challenges. Joining their team as the new Creative Director has allowed me the opportunity to help guide the growth of Visier's brand into the next stage of their evolution from an HR analytics provider into a tool that can help redefine how businesses think about and use data. And I get to make pretty cool stuff in the process.

  Video Logo  

✼ Short logo bumper illustrating Visier's ability to pull together diverse data points to tell their customer's story. 

  Clarity Magazine Vol.II  


  Unleash Event Booth  

Summer Creative_Visier_Unleash_2018_Creative Proposal .key

  Data Viz Yule Log  

✼ A fun (and somewhat silly) side project created as a holiday "gift" for our customers. Mostly just a result of my obsession with yule logs. 

Say hello!

Phone: +01 778 998 5592
LinkedIn: markstokoe

© Mark Stokoe Creative 2019